Getting Started with the IntuneCLI, an Automated Intune Management Solution
Disclaimer: The IntuneAssistant is an ongoing project that is in development. The document below may be outdated in newer versions. The developer is very active on GitHub if you run into any issues. You should reference the GitHub Project:
I would also recommend checking out their blog at: Sander Rozemuller | All about Identity, AVD, Automation, DevOps, Monitoring, Intune and Security
Obtaining the IntuneAssistant
The first thing we need to do, is to download the CLI binary which can be found here. In my case, I am running a M1 Pro Mac so I will grab the MacOS ARM binary. I then placed it in a folder called “Dev” in the root of my Home directory.

Make the Binary Executable
The next step in the process is to make the binary executable. This is something that you do not have to do on a Windows machine, … Continue...