Migrate your Runbooks in Azure Automation to Managed Identities
Microsoft has recently announced that on September 30th, 2023, Azure Automation RunAs accounts, including Classic Run As accounts, will be retired so you will need to migrate your runbooks to managed identities for authentication. Managed Identities provide the same functionality as a RunAs accounts, plus:
- Secure authentication to any Azure service that supports Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) authentication.
- Minimized management overhead with easy access to resources.
- Simplified runbooks with no requirement to use multi-line code.
Review your Automation Accounts
The first item that must be done, is to review your Automation Accounts within Azure to see which one, if any, are using RunAs or Classic RunAs Accounts. In Azure go to Automation Accounts. In the screenshot below we can see that I have a total of four (4) different automation accounts that span three (3) resource groups, and two (2) Azure subscriptions.
If I click an Automation Account and … Continue...