Creating a Microsoft 365 Automated Off-boarding Process with SharePoint, Graph API, and PowerShell
In this write-up I will be creating a basic off-boarding automation that uses SharePoint as the front end, and PowerShell, the Graph API, and Azure Runbooks as the back-end. HR will input the users UPN or Email, offboard date/time, and a forwarding address to forward email to. Once the off-boarding datetime is within 1hr the automation will check the user in Azure AD to ensure its valid, the forwarding user is valid in Azure AD, document in SharePoint the users e-mail address, any and all licenses, and all group memberships. After that, it will proceed with the off-boarding where it will remove all licenses from the user, remove all group memberships, and forward email to our forwarding user. It will log everything back to SharePoint where one can review it.
Off-Boarding Stages
In Pending we have just submitted our user and the automation has not seen it, or it … Continue...