Monitor Share and NTFS Permissions and E-Mail Changes
Recently I set out to find a way to get PowerShell to monitor NTFS and File permissions on a folder and file share. I wanted to know when permissions changed, how they changed (Read permission changed to Write permission), keep historical permission data I can reference, and lastly e-mail me the changes when they changed.
To keep historical data I made it create a new folder for each day it runs. The folder name is the date which is formatted as MMddyyyy. The next day it will run it will import the previous days results and compare them to the results of that day’s.

Each time the script runs it will append any permission changes to the results CSV file instead of overwriting any previous results. This allows you to get an overview what has changed and when, that will span more than a single day. The CSV file also shows you what permission changed and what it changed to in the From and To column. The Account column will show you which account the permission changed for.
When the script sees that permissions have changed for either NTFS or Share it will e-mail you and the attachment like the one pictured above. If both NTFS and Share permissions changed it will e-mail you both attachments, if only one (NTFS or Share) changed it will only e-mail you the one that changed.
In my example I had it send mail using Office 365 by specifying my smtp server as in the script. To send mail we used the Send-MailMessage cmdlet. Since Office 365 requires authentication the script will create a credential PSObject and export it, this will allow it to import the credential object the next time it runs to authenticate to Office 365 without it being stored in plain text.

When the script runs the console will show what it is doing each step of the way. This is helpful if you need to troubleshoot an issue when setting it up in your environment.
For best results I recommend setting up a scheduled task that will run this script daily. If you want to monitor multiple folders/shares then set up a separate scheduled task for each and don’t forget to change the path where the results are stored and make it different than where other ones are stored so they do not overwrite one another.
The script does require the NTFSSecurity module which you can install by launching PowerShell and running
Install-Module -Name NTFSSecurity
<# .NOTES =========================================================================== Created with: SAPIEN Technologies, Inc., PowerShell Studio 2018 v5.5.150 Created on: 3/16/2018 10:33 PM Created by: Bradley Wyatt Version: 1.0.1 =========================================================================== .DESCRIPTION This script is best ran as a scheduled task set daily. It will monitor a share and a file for NTFS and Share permissions. Each day it is ran it will check to see if it has ran the day previously If it has it will run again, compare todays NTFS and Share permissions to yesterday's and export to a CSV file what has changed If only one item changed (NTFS and not shared for example) it will export the NTFS changes to the results file and in the folder for today it will add a log text file letting you know that share permissions did not change from the previous day Each day it runs it will create a folder with the date formated as MMddyyyy The results file will also be formatted with MMddyyyy This file requires the NTFSSecurity module which can be installed by running Install-Module -Name NTFSSecurity The changes for both NTFS and Share will continusly be added to a single results csv. From there you can see what changed each day that there was a change. It will not create a new file everytime Line 39: Creates a variable that will be the folder name of that days results. Line 46: The location where the results will be stored Line 52: The share it will monitor permissions for Line 58: The folder it will monitor NTFS permissions for Line 67: The person the results will be email to Line 69: The email the results are emailed from Line 71: The SMTP server it will send through Line 73: The SMTP Port #> ###VARIABLES##### Write-Host "Getting today's date..." -ForegroundColor Yellow $ResultsFolderName = ((get-date).ToString("MMddyyyy")) #CSV path where the results will be stored $CSVPath = "C:\Results\" #Creates todays folder to store results in Write-Host "Creating today's folder to store results in..." -ForegroundColor Yellow $TodayResultFolder = New-Item -ItemType Directory ($CSVPath + $ResultsFolderName) -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue Write-Host "Created folder $TodayResultFolder located at $CSVPath" -ForegroundColor Yellow #The share name you want to monitor share permissions on Write-Host "Getting Share..." -ForegroundColor Yellow #Share Name $ShareName = "1" Write-Host "Share name is $ShareName" -ForegroundColor Yellow #The NTFS folder you want to monitor NTFS permissions on Write-Host "Getting NTFS Folder..." -ForegroundColor Yellow #NTFS Folder $NTFSFolder = "C:\1" Write-Host "NTFS Folder is $NTFSFolder" -ForegroundColor Yellow #Counter var's $var1 = 0 $var2 = 0 #EMAIL VARIABLES #Who to send the email of changes to $To = '[email protected]' #Who the email is from $From = '[email protected]' #SMTP server to use $SMTPServer = '' #SMTP port $Port = 587 #Check for SMTP credentials Write-Host "Checking for E-mail credentials..." -ForegroundColor Yellow $SMTPCred = Test-Path ($CSVPath + "\" + "filemonitor.cred") #if no credentials are found then prompt the user for them and save them If ($SMTPCred -eq $false) { $Credential = Get-Credential $Credential | Export-CliXml -Path ($CSVPath + "\" + "filemonitor.cred") } #CSV file name used to track share permissions $CSVShare = "share_permissions.csv" #CSV file name used to track NTFS permissions $CSVNTFS = "ntfs_permissions.csv" #Check for the NTFSSecurity module which is required Write-Host "Checking for NTFSSecurity module..." -ForegroundColor Yellow Import-Module NTFSSecurity -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $ModCheck = Get-Module | Where-Object { $_.Name -like "NTFSSecurity" } If ($ModCheck -eq $Null) { Write-Host "WARNING: NTFSSecurity module is not installed! Please install it by running 'Install-Module -Name NTFSSecurity' " -ForegroundColor Red } Else { function Get-ChangeLog($referenceObject, $differenceObject, $identifier) { $props = $referenceObject | Get-Member -MemberType NoteProperty | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name $diff = Compare-Object $referenceObject $differenceObject -Property $props -PassThru | Group-Object $identifier #capture modifications $today = (Get-Date).ToShortDateString() $modifications = ($diff | Where-Object Count -eq 2).Group | Group-Object $identifier foreach ($modification in $modifications) { #compare properties of each group foreach ($prop in $props) { if ($modification.Group[0].$prop -ne $modification.Group[1].$prop) { $output = $modification.Group | Where-Object { $_.SideIndicator -eq '<=' } | Select-Object (Write-Output Date $identifier ChangeType ChangedProperty From To) $output.Date = $today $output.ChangeType = "Modified" $output.ChangedProperty = $prop $output.From = ($modification.Group | Where-Object { $_.SideIndicator -eq '<=' }).$prop $output.To = ($modification.Group | Where-Object { $_.SideIndicator -eq '=>' }).$prop $output } } } #capture removals and additions $removalAdditions = $groupedDiff = ($diff | Where-Object Count -eq 1).Group | Group-Object $identifier foreach ($removalAddition in $removalAdditions) { $ht = [ordered]@{ } $ht.Add('Date', $today) $ht.Add($identifier, $removalAddition.Name) $ht.Add('ChangeType', '') $ht.Add('ChangedProperty', '') $ht.Add('From', '') $ht.Add('To', '') #addition if ($removalAddition.Group.SideIndicator -eq "=>") { $ht.ChangeType = 'Added' } #removal else { $ht.ChangeType = 'Removed' } New-Object PSObject -Property $ht } } Write-Host "Checking to see if yesterday's results are present..." -ForegroundColor Yellow If ((Test-Path -Path ($CSVPath + ((get-date).AddDays(-1).ToString("MMddyyyy")) + "\" + ((get-date).AddDays(-1).ToString("MMddyyyy")) + $CSVShare)) -eq $true -and (Test-Path -Path ($CSVPath + ((get-date).AddDays(-1).ToString("MMddyyyy")) + "\" + ((get-date).AddDays(-1).ToString("MMddyyyy")) + $CSVShare)) -eq $true) { Write-Host "Importing yesterday's share permissions result file..." -ForegroundColor Yellow #Import the last ran Share permissions CSV to the shell $YesterdaysShareCSV = Import-csv ($CSVPath + (get-date).AddDays(-1).ToString("MMddyyyy") + "\" + ((get-date).AddDays(-1).ToString("MMddyyyy")) + $CSVShare) Write-Host "Done!" -ForegroundColor Green Write-Host "Importing yesterday's NTFS permissions result file..." -ForegroundColor Yellow #Import last ran NTFS permissions csv to the shell $YesterdaysNTFSCSV = Import-csv ($CSVPath + (get-date).AddDays(-1).ToString("MMddyyyy") + "\" + ((get-date).AddDays(-1).ToString("MMddyyyy")) + $CSVNTFS) Write-Host "Done!" -ForegroundColor Green Write-Host "Getting today's share permissions..." -ForegroundColor Yellow #Gather todays share permissions $TodaysShareCSV = Get-SMBShareAccess -Name $ShareName | Select-Object Name, AccountName, AccessControlType, AccessRight | Export-Csv ($CSVPath + ((get-date).ToString("MMddyyyy")) + "\" + ((get-date).ToString("MMddyyyy")) + $CSVShare) -NoTypeInformation -Force Write-Host "Done!" -ForegroundColor Green Write-Host "Getting today's NTFS permissions..." -ForegroundColor Yellow #Gather todays NTFS Permissions $TodaysNTFSCSV = Get-NTFSAccess -Path $NTFSFolder | Select-Object Account, AccessRights, AccessControlType | Export-Csv ($CSVPath + ((get-date).ToString("MMddyyyy")) + "\" + ((get-date).ToString("MMddyyyy")) + $CSVNTFS) -NoTypeInformation -Force Write-Host "Done!" -ForegroundColor Green Write-Host "Importing today's Share permissions..." -ForegroundColor Yellow #Import todays Share permissions $TodaysShare = Import-csv ($CSVPath + ((get-date).ToString("MMddyyyy")) + "\" + ((get-date).ToString("MMddyyyy")) + $CSVShare) Write-Host "Done!" -ForegroundColor Green Write-Host "Importing today's NTFS permissions..." -ForegroundColor Yellow #Import todays NTFS permissions $TodaysNFTS = Import-csv ($CSVPath + ((get-date).ToString("MMddyyyy")) + "\" + ((get-date).ToString("MMddyyyy")) + $CSVNTFS) Write-Host "Done!" -ForegroundColor Green Write-Host "Comparing yesterday's share permissions to today's..." -ForegroundColor Yellow #Compare yesterdays Share output to todays $ShareChange = Get-ChangeLog -differenceObject $TodaysShare -referenceObject $YesterdaysShareCSV ('AccountName') If ($ShareChange -eq $Null) { Write-Host "Share permissions haven't changed since yesterday's run..." -ForegroundColor Green "No Share permissions have changed since yesterday's results" | Out-File -FilePath ($CSVPath + ((get-date).ToString("MMddyyyy")) + "\" + "Sharelog.txt") -Force } Else { Write-Host "Share permissions have changed! Exporting the changed at $CSVPath" -ForegroundColor Green $var1 = 1 $ShareChange | Export-Csv ($CSVPath + "DifferenceShares.csv") -NoTypeInformation -Append | Out-Null } Write-Host "Comparing yesterday's NTFS permissions to today's..." -ForegroundColor Yellow #Compare yesterdays NTFS output to todays $NTFSChange = Get-ChangeLog -differenceObject $TodaysNFTS -referenceObject $YesterdaysNTFSCSV ('Account') If ($NTFSChange -eq $Null) { Write-Host "NTFS permissions haven't changed since yesterday's run..." -ForegroundColor Green "No NTFS permissions have changed since yesterday's results" | Out-File -FilePath ($CSVPath + ((get-date).ToString("MMddyyyy")) + "\" + "NTFSlog.txt") -Force } Else { Write-Host "NTFS permissions have changed! Exporting the changed at $CSVPath" -ForegroundColor Green $var2 = 1 $NTFSChange | Export-Csv ($CSVPath + "DifferenceNTFS.csv") -NoTypeInformation -Append | Out-Null } #IF both files changed, email both files If (($var1 -eq 1) -and ($var2 -eq 1)) { Write-Host "NTFS and Share permissions changed, sending e-mail of changes to $To" Send-MailMessage ` -To $To ` -Subject 'Permission Monitor - NTFS + Share' ` -Body "NTFS and Share permissions changed for $ShareName and $NTFSFolder. Please see the attachment" ` -UseSsl ` -Port $Port ` -SmtpServer $SMTPServer ` -From $From ` -Credential (Import-CliXml -Path ($CSVPath + "\" + "filemonitor.cred"))` -Attachments ($CSVPath + "\" + "DifferenceNTFS.csv"), ($CSVPath + "\" + "DifferenceShares.csv") } #IF NTFS permissions but Share permissions did not change ElseIf (($var1 -eq 0) -and ($var2 -eq 1)) { Write-Host "NTFS permissions changed, sending e-mail of changes to $To" Send-MailMessage ` -To $To ` -Subject 'Permission Monitor - NTFS Only' ` -Body "NTFS permissions changed for $NTFSFolder. Please see the attachment" ` -UseSsl ` -Port $Port ` -SmtpServer $SMTPServer ` -From $From ` -Credential (Import-CliXml -Path ($CSVPath + "\" + "filemonitor.cred"))` -Attachments ($CSVPath + "\" + "DifferenceNTFS.csv") } ElseIf (($var1 -eq 1) -and ($var2 -eq 0)) { Write-Host "Share permissions changed, sending e-mail of changes to $To" Send-MailMessage ` -To $To ` -Subject 'Permission Monitor - Share Only' ` -Body "Share permissions changed for $ShareName. Please see the attachment" ` -UseSsl ` -Port $Port ` -SmtpServer $SMTPServer ` -From $From ` -Credential (Import-CliXml -Path ($CSVPath + "\" + "filemonitor.cred"))` -Attachments ($CSVPath + "\" + "DifferenceShares.csv") } Else { Write-Host $_ } } Else { Write-Host "No results from the previous day were found" -ForegroundColor Magenta Write-Host "Getting share permissions for today..." -ForegroundColor Yellow #Gather todays share permissions Get-SMBShareAccess -Name $ShareName | Select-Object Name, AccountName, AccessControlType, AccessRight | Export-Csv ($CSVPath + ((get-date).ToString("MMddyyyy")) + "\" + ((get-date).ToString("MMddyyyy")) + $CSVShare) -NoTypeInformation Write-Host "Done!" -ForegroundColor Green Write-Host "Getting NTFS permissions for today..." -ForegroundColor Yellow #Gather todays NTFS Permissions Get-NTFSAccess -Path $NTFSFolder | Select-Object Account, AccessRights, AccessControlType | Export-Csv ($CSVPath + ((get-date).ToString("MMddyyyy")) + "\" + ((get-date).ToString("MMddyyyy")) + $CSVNTFS) -NoTypeInformation Write-Host "Done!" -ForegroundColor Green } }

My name is Bradley Wyatt; I am a 5x Microsoft Most Valuable Professional (MVP) in Microsoft Azure and Microsoft 365. I have given talks at many different conferences, user groups, and companies throughout the United States, ranging from PowerShell to DevOps Security best practices, and I am the 2022 North American Outstanding Contribution to the Microsoft Community winner.
One thought on “Monitor Share and NTFS Permissions and E-Mail Changes”
Love this script.
I am looking for a way for this audit to carry on down child items of a folder and list that in the csv too.
Could you think of a way to do this?